

According to a recently published report by Allied Market Research, the global DevOps market generated $3.36 billion in 2017 and is expected to reach $9.40 billion by 2023, registering a Compound Annual Growth Rate of 18.7% from 2017 to 2023.

Wallero DevOps Organization

  • We have experienced DevOps Engineers and Architects to create and implement the solution that aligns with the industry best practices.
  • We approach the implementation from an end-to-end view that includes business and technical requirements rather than being carried away by just tools and technologies.
  • We understand that collaboration and listening carefully to our customers is the key to success.

Our Strategy

  • We strongly believe in enabling our employees with excellent technical skills, and that's why we perpetually invest in the education of our teams and formal certifications.
  • With multiple tools and product availability in the DevOps space, we have diversified SMEs for the most popular platforms, services, tools, and products.
  • Continuous Processes, Automation, and round-the-clock Monitoring are the main pillars of our DevOps strategy. We continually improve our approach to achieve more efficiency.


  • Amalgamate Development and Operational Teams.
  • Create well-defined, secure, reliable, integrated, and automated delivery pipelines to implement end-to-end operations, aka Dev-Prod, where every step is automatically triggered and executed.
  • Leverage DevOps Toolchain to create fast feedback loops at every step of the process to promote operational efficiency and deliver customer-driven products.
  • Define metrics for monitoring multiple aspects of the solution to access and share real-time and historical data from the entire technology stack.
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